Issuing a logon for the password protected channel admin (optional)

Unless you were provided a channel admin with a static hostmask you will need to logon first. If you need to logon, you will require your logon information which is usually given to you by the global admin. You need a handle and a password in order to logon.

  1. Issue the logon
    • /msg <botnick> logon <channel> <handle> <password>
    • /msg oer logon #unix EQU-dyn secret

You should receive a message from oer or oer+MySQL saying that <handle> was successfully logged on.

Setting the channel mode and channel flags
  1. Set channel mode
    • /msg <botnick> edit <channel> chanmode <mode>
    • /msg oer edit #unix chanmode +nt
  2. Set channel flags (see channel flags)
    • /msg <botnick> edit <channel> chanflags <channel flags>
    • /msg oer edit #unix chanflags ov
Adding a channel user with a static hostmask
  1. Add a channel user (see user flags)
    • /msg <botnick> add <channel> user <handle> <flags>
    • /msg oer add #unix user EQU o
  2. Add a hostmask to the channel user
    • /msg <botnick> add <channel> mask user <handle> <hostmask>
    • /msg oer add #unix mask user EQU equ@*
Adding a password protected channel user
  1. Add a channel user (see user flags)
    • /msg <botnick> add <channel> user <handle> <flags>
    • /msg oer add #unix user EQU-dyn do
  2. Add a hostmask to the channel user (even password protected users require a hostmask)
    • /msg <botnick> add <channel> mask user <handle> <hostmask>
    • /msg oer add #unix mask user EQU-dyn equ@*.org
  3. Add a password to the channel user
    • /msg <botnick> edit <channel> password <handle> <password>
    • /msg oer edit #unix password EQU-dyn secret

Channel admins aren't allowed to add new channel admins or change properties of other channel admins. Only a global admin can do that. Now go read the oer and oer+MySQL User Manual to get even more familiar with oer or oer+MySQL.