add admin
Syntax: add admin <handle> [flags]
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !add admin joe n
Usage: /msg oer add admin joe n
Notice: Specify flag "d" to add a password protected admin
add advert
Syntax: add [channel] advert <type> <message>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !add advert ops channel meeting at 20:00, be there
Usage: /msg oer add #unix advert ops channel meeting at 20:00, be there
Advert types: admins, ops, other, normals, all, user@host
Availability: 1.0-31 or newer
add chanflags
Syntax: add [channel] chanflags <chanflags>
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !add chanflags LSq
Usage: /msg oer add #unix chanflags LSq
Availability: 1.0-41 or newer
add channel
Syntax: add <channel> [chanflags]
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !add channel #unix
Usage: !add channel #unix ov
Usage: /msg oer add channel #unix
Usage: /msg oer add channel #unix ov
add flags
Syntax: add flags <bot flags>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !add flags l
Usage: /msg oer add flags l
Availability: 1.0-47 or newer
add kickreason
Syntax: add kickreason <kickreason>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !add kickreason i wish you weren't an idiot
Usage: /msg oer add kickreason i wish you weren't an idiot
add mask admin
Syntax: add mask admin <handle> <hostmask> []...
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !add mask admin joe joe@nokia.com
Usage: /msg oer add mask admin joe joe@nokia.com
add mask user
Syntax: add [channel] mask user <handle> <hostmask> []...
Requires: channel operator access (you can only add masks to yourself)
Usage: !add mask user john john@cisco.com
Usage: /msg oer add #unix mask user john john@cisco.com
add nickbk
Syntax: add [channel] nickbk <nick pattern> [reason]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !add nickbk *abuser* no abusers here, please
Usage: /msg oer add #unix nickbk *abuser* no abusers here, please
Notice: Your nick will also be appended to the reason
add permban
Syntax: add [channel] permban <mask> [reason]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !add permban *!*@*.aol.com problematic userbase
Usage: /msg oer add #unix permban *!*@*.aol.com problematic userbase
Notice: The <mask> notation differs from the usual oer masks
add server
Syntax: add server <hostname> <port> [modes] [pingfreq] [prtops] [noise] [server password]
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !add server irc.dal.net 6667
Usage: /msg oer add server irc.dal.net 6667
add service
Syntax: add service <hostname> []...
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !add service operserv.equnet.org
Usage: /msg oer add service operserv.equnet.org
Notice: adds <hostname> as a service, see Global Flags
Availability: 1.0-41 or newer
add trusted
Syntax: add trusted <hostname> []...
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !add trusted irc.equnet.org
Usage: /msg oer add trusted irc.equnet.org
Notice: oer won't add host level bans containing trusted hostnames
add user
Syntax: add [channel] user <handle> [flags]
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !add user john
Usage: !add user john ovr
Usage: /msg oer add #unix user john
Usage: /msg oer add #unix user john ovr
Notice: Specify flag "d" to add a password protected user
add wordbk
Syntax: add [channel] wordbk <word pattern> [reason]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !add wordbk *alladvantage*
Usage: /msg oer add #unix wordbk *alladvantage*
del admin
Syntax: del admin <handle> []...
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !del admin joe
Usage: /msg oer del admin joe
Notice: All hostmasks and the handle will be removed
del adverts
Syntax: del [channel] adverts <type> []...
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !del adverts ops
Usage: /msg oer del #unix adverts ops
Advert types: admins, ops, other, normals, all, user@host
Notice: All channel adverts of type <type> will be removed
Availability: 1.0-31 or newer
del chanflags
Syntax: del [channel] chanflags <chanflags>
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !del chanflags LSq
Usage: /msg oer del #unix chanflags LSq
Availability: 1.0-41 or newer
del chankey
Syntax: del [channel] chankey
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !del chankey
Usage: /msg oer del #unix chankey
del chanlimit
Syntax: del [channel] chanlimit
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !del chanlimit
Usage: /msg oer del #unix chanlimit
Availability: 1.0-49 or newer
del chanmode
Syntax: del [channel] chanmode
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !del chanmode
Usage: /msg oer del #unix chanmode
Availability: 1.0-59 or newer
del channel
Syntax: del channel <channel> []...
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !del channel #unix2
Usage: /msg oer del channel #unix
Notice: Channel data will be removed & oer will leave the channel
del flags
Syntax: del flags <bot flags>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !del flags l
Usage: /msg oer del flags l
Availability: 1.0-47 or newer
del kickreason
Syntax: del kickreason <kickreason>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !del kickreason I wish you weren't such a idiot
Usage: /msg oer del kickreason I wish you weren't such a idiot
del mask admin
Syntax: del mask admin <handle> <hostmask> []...
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !del mask admin joe joe@nokia.com
Usage: /msg oer del mask admin joe joe@nokia.com
del mask user
Syntax: del [channel] mask user <handle> <hostmask> []...
Requires: channel operator access (you can only remove masks from yourself)
Usage: !del mask user john john@cisco.com
Usage: /msg oer del #unix mask user john john@cisco.com
del nickbk
Syntax: del [channel] nickbk <nick pattern> []...
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !del nickbk *abuser*
Usage: /msg oer del #unix nickbk *abuser*
del permban
Syntax: del [channel] permban <mask> []...
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !del permban *!*@*.aol.com
Usage: /msg oer del #unix permban *!*@*.aol.com
Notice: The <mask> notation differs from the usual oer masks
del proxysetup
Syntax: del proxysetup
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !del proxysetup
Usage: /msg oer del proxysetup
Availability: 1.0-56 or newer
del qauth
Syntax: del qauth
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !del qauth
Usage: /msg oer del qauth
Availability: 1.0-47 or newer
del server
Syntax: del server <hostname> <port> <modes> <pingfreq> <prtops> <noise>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !del server irc.dal.net 6667 4 90 0 0
Usage: /msg oer del server irc.dal.net 6667 4 90 0 0
del service
Syntax: del service <hostname> []...
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !del service operserv.equnet.org
Usage: /msg oer del service operserv.equnet.org
Availability: 1.0-41 or newer
del user
Syntax: del [channel] user <handle> []...
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !del user john
Usage: /msg oer del #unix user john
Notice: All hostmasks and the handle will be removed
del trusted
Syntax: del trusted <hostname> []...
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !del trusted irc.equnet.org
Usage: /msg oer del trusted irc.equnet.org
del wordbk
Syntax: del [channel] wordbk <word pattern> []...
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !del wordbk *alladvantage*
Usage: /msg oer del #unix wordbk *alladvantage*
edit altnick
Syntax: edit altnick <new alternative nick>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !edit altnick oer3
Usage: /msg oer edit altnick oer3
edit bantype
Syntax: edit [channel] bantype <type>
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !edit bantype 1
Usage: /msg oer edit #unix bantype 1
Notice: Sets the default ban type for channel
Ban type: 1 (*@host, default)
Ban type: 2 (*!user@*)
Ban type: 3 (*!user@host)
Ban type: 4 (nick!*@*)
Ban type: 5 (nick!*@host)
Ban type: 6 (nick!user@*)
Ban type: 7 (nick!user@host)
Availability: 1.0-39 or newer
edit banvars
Syntax: edit [channel] banvars <auto rejoin> <part rejoin> <public flood> <public flood repeat> <bad word> <bad nick> <normal ban>
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !edit banvars 30 600 300 600 3600 3600 3600
Usage: /msg oer edit #unix banvars 30 600 300 600 3600 3600 3600
Notice: All values are in seconds, how long the channel ban will last
Availability: 1.0-26 or newer
Availability: 1.0-58 or newer is required for any banvar = 0 -> no ban
edit chanflags
Syntax: edit [channel] chanflags <flags>
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !edit chanflags aovwnpfrbmelu
Usage: /msg oer edit #unix chanflags aovwnpfrbmelu
edit chankey
Syntax: edit [channel] chankey <key>
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !edit chankey topsecret
Usage: /msg oer edit #unix chankey topsecret
Notice: oer will adjust it's chankey if someone sets it manually
Notice: chankey is disabled if chanmode contains -k
edit chanlimit
Syntax: edit [channel] chanlimit <numeric limit>
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !edit chanlimit 100
Usage: /msg oer edit #unix chanlimit 100
Availability: 1.0-49 or newer
Notice: chanlimit is disabled if chanmode contains -l
edit chanmode
Syntax: edit [channel] chanmode <mode>
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !edit chanmode +nt
Usage: /msg oer edit #unix chanmode +nt
Notice: chanmode is forced (will be reset if changed manually)
Notice: set "+nst-i" to force +nst and disallow setting +i
edit flags
Syntax: edit flags <bot flags>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !edit flags l
Usage: /msg oer edit flags l
edit floodvars
Syntax: edit [channel] floodvars <repeat expire> <repeat limit> <interval> <max lines> <max chars> <nick flood expire> <nick changes>
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !edit floodvars 1800 3 60 10 1600 7200 5
Usage: /msg oer edit #unix floodvars 1800 3 60 10 1600 7200 5
Notice: Sets the floodvars for channel, be careful!
edit mask admin
Syntax: edit mask admin <handle> <old hostmask> <new hostmask>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !edit mask admin joe *@*.nokia.com *@*.ericsson.se
Usage: /msg oer edit mask admin joe *@*.nokia.com *@*.ericsson.se
edit mask user
Syntax: edit mask user <handle> <old hostmask> <new hostmask>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !edit mask user john *@*.cisco.com *@*.lucent.com
Usage: /msg oer edit #unix mask user john *@*.cisco.com *@*.lucent.com
edit nick
Syntax: edit nick <new nick>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !edit nick oer2
Usage: /msg oer edit nick oer2
edit options admin
Syntax: edit options admin <handle> <flags>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !edit options admin joe n
Usage: /msg oer edit options admin joe n
edit options user
Syntax: edit [channel] options user <handle> <flags>
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !edit options user john o
Usage: /msg oer edit #unix options user john o
edit password
Syntax: edit [channel] password <handle> <password>
Requires: channel operator access (you can only change your own password)
Requires: global admin access (to change a global admin password)
Usage: /msg oer edit #unix password john mypassword
Usage: /msg oer edit password EQU mypassword (global admin password)
Notice: This command is for setting/changing the password of dyn users
edit prefix
Syntax: edit prefix <new command prefix>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !edit prefix :
Usage: /msg oer edit prefix :
edit proxysetup
Syntax: edit proxysetup <telnet proxy setup string>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !edit proxysetup CONNECT IRC.EQUNET.ORG 6667
Usage: /msg oer edit proxysetup CONNECT IRC.EQUNET.ORG 6667
Notice: Specify the proxy address & port as a server
Availability: 1.0-56 or newer
edit qauth
Syntax: edit qauth <nick> <name> <password>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: /msg oer edit qauth Q@CServe.quakenet.org john mypassword
Availability: 1.0-47 or newer
Notice: Just for authing oer to Q, manual registration is still required
Notice: Some networks require <nick> to be nick@host
edit realname
Syntax: edit realname <IRC REALNAME>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !edit realname I'm a nice bot
Usage: /msg oer edit realname I'm a nice bot
Notice: In order to activate, you have to reconnect to the IRC server
edit server
Syntax: edit server <hostname> <port> [modes] [pingfreq] [prtops] [noise] [server password]
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !edit server irc.dal.net 6667 4 90 0 0
Usage: /msg oer edit server irc.dal.net 6667 4 90 0 0
Availability: 1.0-52 or newer
Notice: For editing settings of the current IRC server
Notice: Some changes require reconnecting to the server
edit user
Syntax: edit user <user ID (ident)>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !edit user oer
Usage: /msg oer edit user oer
edit usermode
Syntax: edit usermode <usermodes>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !edit usermode +i
Usage: /msg oer edit usermode +i
edit vhost
Syntax: edit vhost <virtual hostname>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !edit vhost oer.equnet.org
Usage: /msg oer edit vhost oer.equnet.org
Some list commands will accept a positive number as the last argument. This number will
be used as a beginning position for the listing.
list admins
Syntax: list admins [handle] [start position]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list admins
Usage: /msg oer list admins
Notice: Specifying a handle will list flags & hostmasks for that handle
Notice: Listing flags & hostmasks for a handle requires global admin access
list adverts
Syntax: list [channel] adverts [start position]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list adverts
Usage: /msg oer list #unix adverts
Notice: Beginning with 1.0-50 it is safe to send !list adverts to a channel
Availability: 1.0-31 or newer
list altnick
Syntax: list altnick
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list altnick
Usage: /msg oer list altnick
list autheds
Syntax: list [channel] autheds [handle] [start position]
Syntax (admin): list autheds [handle] [start position]
Requires: channel operator access
Requires: global admin access (admin)
Usage: !list autheds
Usage: /msg oer list #unix autheds
Usage: /msg oer list autheds (admin)
Notice: Specifying a handle will list authed hostmasks for that handle
Notice: You can only list your own authed hostmasks if not admin
Availability: 1.0-30 or newer
list bantype
Syntax: list [channel] bantype
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list bantype
Usage: /msg oer list #unix bantype
Availability: 1.0-39 or newer
list banvars
Syntax: list [channel] banvars
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list banvars
Usage: /msg oer list #unix banvars
Availability: 1.0-26 or newer
list chanflags
Syntax: list [channel] chanflags [verbose]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list chanflags
Usage: /msg oer list #unix chanflags
Availability: verbose appeared in 1.0-41
list chankey
Syntax: list [channel] chankey
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list chankey
Usage: /msg oer list #unix chankey
list chanlimit
Syntax: list [channel] chanlimit
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list chanlimit
Usage: /msg oer list #unix chanlimit
Availability: 1.0-49 or newer
list chanmode
Syntax: list [channel] chanmode
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list chanmode
Usage: /msg oer list #unix chanmode
list channelbans
Syntax: list channelbans [start position]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list channelbans
Usage: /msg oer list channelbans
list channels
Syntax: list channels [start position]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list channels
Usage: /msg oer list channels
list flags
Syntax: list flags [verbose]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list flags
Usage: !list flags verbose
Usage: /msg oer list flags verbose
Availability: verbose appeared in 1.0-47
list floodvars
Syntax: list [channel] floodvars
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list floodvars
Usage: /msg oer list #unix floodvars
list handles
Syntax: list [channel] handles <nick>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list handles joe
Usage: /msg oer list #unix handles joe
Notice: Lists all handles with matching hostmasks to that of <nick>
Availability: 1.0-33 or newer
Availability: 1.0-58 or newer will also list matching global admin handles
list kickreasons
Syntax: list kickreasons [start position]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list kickreasons
Usage: /msg oer list kickreasons
list nick
Syntax: list nick
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list nick
Usage: /msg oer list nick
list nickbks
Syntax: list [channel] nickbks [start position]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list nickbks
Usage: /msg oer list #unix nickbks
list nicks
Syntax: list [channel] nicks [nick]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list nicks
Usage: /msg oer list #unix nicks
Notice: Specifying a nick will list hostname and modes for that nick
list permbans
Syntax: list [channel] permbans [start position]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list permbans
Usage: /msg oer list #unix permbans
list prefix
Syntax: list prefix
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list prefix
Usage: /msg oer list prefix
list realname
Syntax: list realname
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list realname
Usage: /msg oer list realname
list services
Syntax: list services [start position]
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !list services
Usage: /msg oer list services
Availability: 1.0-41 or newer
list servers
Syntax: list servers [start position]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list servers
Usage: /msg oer list servers
list trusted
Syntax: list trusted [start position]
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !list trusted
Usage: /msg oer list trusted
list user
Syntax: list user
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list user
Usage: /msg oer list user
list usermode
Syntax: list usermode
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list usermode
Usage: /msg oer list usermode
list users
Syntax: list [channel] users [handle]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list users
Usage: /msg oer list #unix users
Notice: Specifying a handle will list flags & hostmasks for that handle
Notice: Listing flags & hostmasks for a channel admin requires channel admin access
list vhost
Syntax: list vhost
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list vhost
Usage: /msg oer list vhost
list wordbks
Syntax: list [channel] wordbks [start position]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !list wordbks
Usage: /msg oer list #unix wordbks
Syntax: topic [channel] <topic>
Abbreviation(s): t
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !topic this is a topic
Usage: /msg oer topic #unix this is a topic
Notice: The topic will be set to <topic>
Syntax: ta [channel] <topic>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !ta this is a topic
Usage: /msg oer ta #unix this is a topic
Notice: The topic <topic> will be appended to current topic
Syntax: td [channel] <number>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !td 1
Usage: /msg oer td #unix 1
Notice: The topic <number> will be deleted from current topic
Syntax: te [channel] <number> <topic>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !te 1 this is a better topic
Usage: /msg oer te #unix 1 this is a better topic
Notice: The topic #<number> will be edited to <topic>
Syntax: ti [channel] <number> <topic>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !ti 1 this is the newest topic
Usage: /msg oer ti #unix 1 this is the newest topic
Notice: The topic <topic> will be inserted at position <number>
Syntax: tl [channel]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !tl
Usage: /msg oer tl #unix
Syntax: tg [channel]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !tg
Usage: /msg oer tg #unix
Notice: oer will get & parse the current channel topic
Syntax: tr [channel]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !tr
Usage: /msg oer tr #unix
Notice: oer will refresh the current topic
Syntax: ts [channel] <number1> <number2>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !ts 1 2
Usage: /msg oer ts #unix 1 2
Notice: oer will swap topics <number1> and <number2>
Syntax: action [channel] <action message>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !action bounces around
Usage: /msg oer action #unix bounces around
Syntax: ban [channel] <nick> []...
Abbreviation(s): b
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !ban abuser
Usage: /msg oer ban #unix abuser
Notice: Will ban <nick> from channel
Syntax: bankick [channel] <nick> [reason]
Abbreviation(s): bk
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !bankick abuser
Usage: /msg oer bankick #unix abuser
Notice: Will ban & kick <nick> from channel
Syntax: bstats
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !bstats
Usage: /msg oer bstats
Notice: will display bot statistics
Availability: 1.0-53 or newer
Notice: This command has "s" chanflag support
Syntax: chaninfo [channel]
Abbreviation(s): ci
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !chaninfo
Usage: /msg oer chaninfo #unix
Notice: Will show channel information
Availability: 1.0-60 or newer
Syntax: clearbans [channel]
Abbreviation(s): cb
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !clearbans
Usage: /msg oer clearbans #unix
Notice: Will clear all channel bans (permbans will be re-set)
Availability: 1.0-52 or newer
Syntax: clonechannel [channel] <new channel>
Abbreviation(s): cc
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !clonechannel #unix98
Usage: /msg oer clonechannel #unix #unix98
Notice: Will copy [channel] and all related data to <new channel>
Availability: 1.0-40 or newer
Syntax: cycle [channel]
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !cycle
Usage: /msg oer cycle #unix
Notice: Will make oer leave & re-join the channel
Availability: 1.0-53 or newer
Syntax: date
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !date
Usage: /msg oer date
Availability: 1.0-49 or newer
Notice: This command has "s" chanflag support
Syntax: dbclose
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !dbclose
Usage: /msg oer dbclose
Availability: oer+MySQL-1.0-36 or newer
Notice: oer+MySQL will explicitly close it's connection to the databse
Notice: oer+MySQL will implicitly try to reconnect each 60 seconds
Syntax: dbconnect
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !dbconnect
Usage: /msg oer dbconnect
Availability: oer+MySQL-1.0-36 or newer
Notice: oer+MySQL will try to reconnect to the databse
Syntax: devoice [channel] <nick> []...
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !devoice patrick
Usage: /msg oer devoice #unix patrick
Notice: Will take voice away from <nick>
Availability: 1.0-41 or newer
Syntax: dop [channel] <nick> []...
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !dop patrick
Usage: /msg oer dop #unix patrick
Notice: Will de-op <nick> on channel
Syntax: ext <parameter 1> [parameter 2] [parameter 3] [parameter 4] [parameter 5]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !ext temp helsinki
Usage: /msg oer ext temp helsinki
Notice: See the FAQ database for more information about ext
Availability: 1.0-58 or newer
Notice: This command has "s" chanflag support
Syntax: flush
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !flush
Usage: /msg oer flush
Notice: All file buffers will be flushed out to disk
Syntax: help
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !help
Usage: /msg oer help
Notice: This command has "s" chanflag support
Syntax: info
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !info
Usage: /msg oer info
Notice: This command has "s" chanflag support
Syntax: invite <channel>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: /msg oer invite #unix
Notice: oer will invite you to <channel>
Syntax: jump [server]
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !jump
Usage: /msg oer jump
Notice: oer will jump to next or specified (listed) IRC server
Syntax: kick [channel] <nick> [reason]
Abbreviation(s): k
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !kick abuser
Usage: /msg oer kick #unix abuser
Notice: Will kick <nick> from channel
Syntax: last [channel] <nick pattern> [howmany]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !last *john* 1
Usage: /msg oer last #unix *john* 1
Notice: Will list last [howmany] public messages from nick matching <nick pattern>
Notice: Requires that the "L" flag is set for channel
Notice: [howmany] defaults to 3 if obmitted
Notice: This command has "s" chanflag support
Syntax: lock [channel] [reason]
Requires: channel operator access (only if channel flag "l" is set)
Usage: !lock
Usage: /msg oer lock #unix
Notice: Will lock channel (set +i & kick all normal users)
Syntax: locku [channel] [reason]
Requires: channel operator access (only if channel flag "l" is set)
Usage: !locku
Usage: /msg oer locku #unix
Notice: Will lock channel (set +i & kick all normal users)
Notice: Just like lock except that the channel will be automatically unlocked
Syntax: logoff [channel] <handle> []...
Syntax (admin): logoff <handle> []...
Requires: channel operator access
Requires: channel admin access (forced logoff)
Requires: global admin access (admin logoff)
Usage: !logoff jim
Usage: /msg oer logoff #unix jim
Usage: /msg oer logoff jim (admin logoff)
Notice: Will logoff dyn user or admin jim (user flag "d")
Notice: If you have chanflag "x" set, logoff does nothing
Syntax: logon [channel] <handle> <password>
Syntax (forced): logon [channel] <handle> <hostmask>
Syntax (admin): logon <handle> <password>
Requires: channel operator access
Requires: channel admin access (forced logon)
Requires: global admin access (admin logon)
Usage: /msg oer logon #unix jim mypassword
Usage: /msg oer logon #unix jim jim@shell.unix.org (forced logon)
Usage: /msg oer logon jim mypassword (admin logon)
Notice: Will logon dyn user or admin jim (user flag "d")
Notice: Channel logons expire in 30 minutes unless "x" chanflag is set
Notice: admin logons always expire in 30 minutes
Syntax: massmessage <mass message>
Abbreviation(s): mm
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !massmessage oer homepage has been updated!
Usage: /msg oer massmessage oer homepage has been updated!
Notice: Will send <mass message> as a channel notice to all channels oer is on
Syntax: mode [channel] <mode 1> [target 1] [mode 2] [target 2] []...
Abbreviation(s): m
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !mode +m
Usage: !mode -b-b *!*@*.se *!*@*.no
Usage: /msg oer mode #unix +m
Usage: /msg oer mode #unix -b-b *!*@*.se *!*@*.no
Notice: Will set mode(s) on channel
Syntax: nstats [channel] <nick>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !nstats joe
Usage: /msg oer nstats #unix joe
Notice: Will return number of recorded joins & messages from <nick> on channel
Notice: Result of -1 means that the log wasn't available
Notice: This command has "s" chanflag support
Syntax: op [channel] <nick> []...
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !op patrick
Usage: /msg oer op #unix patrick
Notice: Will op <nick> on channel (if channel flag "u" is set: only if <nick> is a user on oer)
Syntax: queuestats
Abbreviation(s): qs
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !queuestats
Usage: /msg oer queuestats
Notice: Will show queue statistics
Availability: 1.0-60 or newer
Syntax: quit [reason]
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !quit
Usage: /msg oer quit
Notice: The oer process will be terminated
Syntax: quote [channel] <nick>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !quote john
Usage: /msg oer quote #unix john
Notice: Requires that the "L" flag is set for channel
Notice: This command has "s" chanflag support
Syntax: raw <irc command>
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !raw mode #unix +m
Usage: /msg oer raw mode #unix +m
Syntax: rbk [channel]
Requires: channel operator access (with user flag "r")
Usage: !rbk
Usage: /msg oer rbk #unix
Notice: A random user will be banned & kicked from channel
Syntax: reset [channel] <type>
Supported types: adverts, nickbks, permbans and wordbks
Abbreviation(s): r
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !reset adverts
Usage: /msg oer reset #unix adverts
Notice: Will reset/clear all entries of type <type> from channel
Availability: 1.0-58 or newer
Syntax: rk [channel]
Requires: channel operator access (with user flag "r")
Usage: !rk
Usage: /msg oer rk #unix
Notice: A random user will be kicked from channel
Syntax: save
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !save
Usage: /msg oer save
Notice: All configuration files will be saved to disk (done each hour)
Syntax: say [channel] <message>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !say i'm a nice bot
Usage: /msg oer say #unix i'm a nice bot
Syntax: seen [channel] <nick pattern> [howmany]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !seen *john* 1
Usage: /msg oer seen #unix *john* 1
Notice: Will list last [howmany] channel joins from nick matching <nick pattern>
Notice: Requires that the "S" flag is set for channel
Notice: [howmany] defaults to 3 if obmitted
Notice: This command has "s" chanflag support
Syntax: sstats
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !sstats
Usage: /msg oer sstats
Notice: will display statistics for the current IRC server
Availability: 1.0-41 or newer
Notice: This command has "s" chanflag support
Syntax: sync [channel]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !sync
Usage: /msg oer sync #unix
Notice: oer will sync channel (ops, bans, etc)
Syntax: syncall
Requires: global admin access
Usage: !syncall
Usage: /msg oer syncall
Notice: oer will sync all it's channels (ops, bans, etc)
Syntax: unban [channel] <nick> []...
Abbreviation(s): ub
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !unban abuser
Usage: /msg oer unban #unix abuser
Notice: Will unban <nick> from channel
Syntax: unlock [channel]
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !unlock
Usage: /msg oer unlock #unix
Notice: Will cancel !lock from channel (if there is one active)
Syntax: uptime
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !uptime
Usage: /msg oer uptime
Notice: This command has "s" chanflag support
Syntax: usercopy [source channel] <handle> <destination channel> [new handle]
Abbreviation(s): uc
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: !usercopy patrick #bofh
Usage: /msg oer usercopy #unix patrick #bofh
Notice: Will copy <handle> from source to destination channel
Notice: Usercopy includes hostmasks but excludes options
Notice: Specifying new handle allows you to copy within one channel
Availability: 1.0-52 or newer
Syntax: voice [channel] <nick> []...
Abbreviation(s): v
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: !voice patrick
Usage: /msg oer voice #unix patrick
Notice: Will give voice to <nick> on channel
wall admins
Syntax: wall <channel> admins <message>
Requires: channel admin access
Usage: /msg oer wall #unix admins new user policy for #unix
Notice: Will send the <message> (notice) to all admins on <channel>
wall channel
Syntax: wall <channel> channel <message>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: /msg oer wall #unix channel new oer online help available!
Notice: Will send the <message> (notice) to everyone on <channel>
wall normals
Syntax: wall <channel> normals <message>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: /msg oer wall #unix normals want to become op? /msg john
Notice: Will send the <message> (notice) to all non-opped users on <channel>
wall ops
Syntax: wall <channel> ops <message>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: /msg oer wall #unix ops don't kick windows advocates
Notice: Will send the <message> (notice) to all ops on <channel>
wall users
Syntax: wall <channel> users <message>
Requires: channel operator access
Usage: /msg oer wall #unix users check that you have no extra hostmasks
Notice: Will send the <message> (notice) to all bot users on <channel>